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About Lina Scott


"A healthy body and mind is what will carry you through life with ease. It is the bridge between you and your best self", says Lina Scott.


Lina is a licensed BodyTalk practitioner with her business, BodyTalk Connects in Perth.  She is a reiki master with a Certificate IV in Health & Management. Lina is also constantly learning about healing with herbs, oils and sounds.


She integrates her extensive knowledge to deliver a one-of-a-kind healing experience, going beyond symptomatic treatments. She facilitates more permanent release by understanding core issues and delivering healing sessions unique to each person.


She incorporates sensory healing with smells and sounds whilst also allowing an individual to tap into their personal intuition and power. Her sessions incorporate deep reflection in a safe and easy-going environment so that her clients receive the space needed to reflect and access clarity of their situations in order to heal from within.


Her unique blend of questioning and reflective techniques mingled with BodyTalk, sensory healing and intuitive strengthening makes her a very sought after therapist. Clients constantly comment on her lovely personality that makes them feel safe and her ability to create a beautiful space (both internally and externally) for healing.

Lina share's her story

Hi there! Thank you for taking the time to get to know me and my story. My hope and intention in sharing my story is to inspire a more empowering mindset and positive action towards health and wellness. You see, when my oldest daughter was only 4 years old, she was in a lot of pain. At that time, I was not well-informed about ailments that could affect a toddler as she was my first child. Also, my whole life, I just grew up taking medical advice from qualified doctors as the ultimate truth. But when they said my child had to go for a procedure, I panicked.


I did not know what the impact was, what the side effects could be or how my little baby was going to handle all this. I was anxious and nervous but mostly, I felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness. I did not know if this doctor was the best or if there were alternative paths. I just watched in tears as they wheeled my little girl into surgery. I prayed she would be all right and that I would never have to feel that way again.


The universe however, decided I hadn't learnt my lesson. When my son was 18 months, this whole scene played out again. My heart broke this time with so much guilt because again, I did not know what was going on. I felt guilty that I hadn't done more research, that I let this happen to my child one more time, that I had to listen to someone I didn't know about what's best for my child.


Now I know, that what my child went through is considered a simple procedure. She had grommets put in and adenoids removed. But when your doctor tells you that your toddler needs to have a procedure, that they were going to insert a foreign object into her tiny little ears and remove something from her body through her little mouth, as a parent, you can't help but feel for your child.


I realised from these experiences that there must be so many others like me, whether it be themselves or their children going into surgery, who would have felt as helpless as I had. I knew something had to change. So I started searching.


My search began with theta healing. I discovered the many modalities that are available for healing. I studied the connection between the body and mind. I became obsessed with gaining more knowledge and worked  towards my Reiki master certification and Cert IV in health and management. I also became versed in sound healing, the benefits of better diets, healing with herbs and the healing properties of oils. Although I enjoyed theta healing and Reiki, I felt that I wanted to also learn a modality that was more tangible for clients to understand.


During this time,  a friend of mine invited me for a session of BodyTalk and I knew right away that I had to learn it. So I started my study and am now a certified BodyTalker and heading towards more advanced BodyTalk certifications. I know I will never stop learning.


Learning these modalities has made me realise that everyone needs to be treated differently. People go through different life experiences, differing traumas and have parents with varying genetics - but somehow we all get the same medication for ailments (despite how vastly different we are)! I do believe that medical professionals have an important part to play in saving lives. I just feel strongly that we also have to explore our psychology, our beliefs, our ability to self heal, natural remedies around us and the impact of how a changed mindset can propel better health.


When we live in overwhelm, we can’t think straight. I want to provide as many people that I can, more energy, drive and motivation in their lives. My purpose is now to spread health, happiness, and vitality. An all-encompassing healthy body and mind is the bridge to lead you to wherever you want to go.

© 2025 by BodyTalk Connects.

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